

Christopher's room: This is just a basic idea for the room. (design in process)

Christopher's room: This is just a basic idea for the room. (design in process)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This project is very important to me. I finally have the opportunity to show off my design skills.
I'm still working on this project, so I will keep updating the information from time to time.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Many blessings to all!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Interior Design

Is not just about the pretty decor. It is more about the functionality of a space; it is about the feelings that can be convey, and the attraction that can be reflected. It is also an understanding of every little detail; from the paint colors, to textures on furniture, and floors; the textures that a piece of fabric, wood or stone can give........

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